1. 新增 insert into
insert into departments(id, name, t_id, t_name) values (007, Ken, 100, King);
2. 修改 update
update employees set id=008 where t_name=100;
3. 刪除 delete from
4.清除 truncate table (速度快,但無法 rollback)
5. 確認 commit
6. 取消 rollback
delete from departments where t_name=King;
4.清除 truncate table (速度快,但無法 rollback)
truncate table departments;
5. 確認 commit
6. 取消 rollback
7. savepoint (設立停損點)
搭配 rollback 可以先部分 rollback, 不可搭配 commit
8. read consistence (讀取一致) 此為Oracle特有
讀取不影響修改,修改不影響讀取,因為undo data (rollback data)
INSERT - adds a new row to the table
UPDATE - modifies existing rows in the table
DELETE - removes existing rows from the table
COMMIT - makes all pending changes permanent
SAVEPOINT - is used to roll back to the savepoint marker
ROLLBACK - discards all pending data changes
搭配 rollback 可以先部分 rollback, 不可搭配 commit
8. read consistence (讀取一致) 此為Oracle特有
讀取不影響修改,修改不影響讀取,因為undo data (rollback data)
INSERT - adds a new row to the table
UPDATE - modifies existing rows in the table
DELETE - removes existing rows from the table
COMMIT - makes all pending changes permanent
SAVEPOINT - is used to roll back to the savepoint marker
ROLLBACK - discards all pending data changes